Whether laughing as she drives herchildren, beaming as she boards a plane beside her husband, or capturedhalf-smiling in glamorous official pose, this set of rare and touchinglyintimate pictures show Queen Elizabeth II as we have rarely seen her before.
The images, some of which were snapped bybystanders, others taken by famous names, will be unveiled in a comprehensivebook published this week commemorating the long reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Some of the shots were previously unseen,having only been unearthed during research by the book's editor, Reuel Golden.
一些照片是之前从未公布过的,只有被该书的作者Reuel Golden通过调查挖掘了出来。
The £99 book, from high-end publisherTaschen, is aimed at an international as well as British market.
It features the work of Sir Cecil Beaton,Yousuf Karsh and Lords Snowdon and Lichfield,as well as that of more contemporary photographers Wolfgang Tillmans, Rankinand Annie Leibovitz.
Mr Golden, a former editor of the BritishJournal of Photography, who now lives in New York, told theObserver: 'While there have been a few books on the subject this year, there'snever been anything quite like this book.'
He added: 'The formal portraiture has to bean important part of the book.
Publishers Taschensaid: 'Born in 1926, married in 1947, crowned as Queen in 1953, for over sixdecades she has steadfastly and loyally carried out her duty on behalf of hercountry, never speaking out of turn or putting a foot wrong.
These images have it all: history,politics, glamour, fashion, culture, travel, and, of course, hats.'
The biggest scrounger in the Uk
- lizzy , ilford, 03/12/201214:08
doesnt really interest me or anyone I know,one little bit....
- yumstheword , wales, 03/12/201213:54
Hurrah and huzzah. Long may she reign.
- Worley_ , Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 03/12/2012 13:49
Beautiful pictures. I like your Queen.
- Sam, Atlanta, 3/12/2012 22:40
The Queen was super cute in her youngerdays!
- Xoriat, USA,3/12/2012 22:37
Lovely pictures......I am proud to be Britishdespite what is being done to my country. The Queen was, and remains amarvellous symbol of how great we once were..........
- ladysam, southampton,3/12/2012 22:36
haha, we are rich.
- JJ, London, United Kingdom,3/12/2012 22:13
Haven't seen her smile in a long time... Iguess the older you get the more miserable you get!!
- Black knight, London,Algeria,3/12/2012 21:36
I think we should queue up with a beggingbowl each so that the queen knows how poor the country is!
Didn't she hint to us that she needed moneyto rewire the castle?!
- umm ..., nowhere, 3/12/2012 21:26
Who cares what this woman does! Drank teaand partied.... Amazing.......
- Tea bag, Phoenix,Jamaica,3/12/2012 21:18
They both look fabulous in the pic outsidethe airplane, fabulous. I think, if we are going to have a royal family, that'swhat they should look like.
- Nick, Toronto, 3/12/2012 21:09