China on March 4, 2012 announced a double-digit hike in military spending in 2012 that is likely to fuel concerns about Beijing's rapid military build-up and increase regional tensions. (AFP photo)
BEIJING: The Chinese government on Sunday announced $106.4 billion (670.27 billion yuan) expenditure on defence, which is three times India's budgetary allocation for 2011-12. The budgetary estimates, which will soon be approved by the National People's Congress, is "reasonable and appropriate" in light of China's rapid economic development and steady increase in revenues, said NPC spokesman Li Zhaoxing. This is the first time the Chinese defence budget has topped the $100bn mark.
Li, who is a former foreign minister, said China's main military spending apart from on equipment is on services, training, and maintenance. "China is committed to peaceful development and follows a national defence policy that is defensive in nature. China's military will not in the least pose a threat to other countries," Li said.
The share of defence expenditure in the country's gross domestic product has dipped from 1.33% in 2008 to 1.28% in 2011, Li said, and added, "The US and UK spend more than 2% of their GDP."
Reacting to this, Maj Gen (retd) Dipankar Banerjee of the Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies said, "This is very high allocation if you consider that nearly 50% of Chinese military spending is not shown in the defence budget." A substantial part of expenses by China's domestic public security bureau and infrastructure investments by provincial governments have military purposes, he said.
关于对此事的反应,新德里的和平与冲突研究所的少将(retd)Dipankar Banerjee说,“如果你知道中国军费开支的近50%的在国防预算中是不显示的,那么这个份额就非常高。”他说,中国国内的公安局和基础设施建设的投资是作为省级政府的开支的,而这些相当一部分带有军事目的。
The country's defence spending grew by a low rate of 7.5% in 2010 before rising to 12.7% in 2011, when the budget was put at $91 billion. The 11.2% increase comes at a time when Chinese authorities have announced plans to drastically slow down growth rate to 7.5% of GDP as compared to 9.2% in 2011.
在2010年以前,该国的国防预算一直保持着7.5%的低增长率。而在2010—2011年间,则增长了12.7% ,达到了910亿美元。而那个时候,中国当局已经宣布,计划大幅放缓国内生产总值的增长率到7.5%左右。而实际上,中国的GDP在2011年的9.2%的增长率比原计划增加了11.2%。
The official media quoted Wen Bing, a researcher with the People's Liberation Army Military Science Academy, as saying, "The Chinese government will not, as some foreign analysts suggest, make a drastic response to, or overreact to, the so-called worsening of global security."
1.STOP (孟买)
If India wants and can afford to spend $200, 300, 400 billion on defense, it is India's business, not China's. Likewise, if China can afford to spend $100b on defense, what should anybody else say ?! Do people say a thing when USA spends $600billion on military ?
2.ChinaFTW (上海)
The article fails to mention US' "Asia Pivot", which should be described more accurately as "China-containment pivot". China's biggest military competitor in the region is not India or Japan or Korea, but the US. Since the US has committed to increasing military presence in Asia, why does it surprise anyone that China would improve its own military strength to protect itself? As for the Indians here who fear "Chinese invasion", let's be honest here, Taiwan and Diaoyu Islands are far more critical to China strategically. The reality is that India has way too many internal problems, problems which "Democracy" and "Free Press" cannot solve and have only exacerbated. The Chinese government already have enough problems on its plate, it's a bit silly to think it wants to take over a large area with a billion more people.
3.Siloo Kapadia (新加坡)回复2楼:
I agree. After all, what would China do with an Indian province? That alone will zap China of all of its wealth in a year, and reduce them to our level - that of beggars and crappers with a sprinkling of wealthy.
Wow, simply saying, we cant afford to spend so much of money on defence, China is way ahead of us in all terms, If war is going to happen, they can annihilate us in a week maximum, really its worrisome to have so Pakistan on one side and China on other side, but we cant help, it's our destiny, We should move on to qualitative up gradation of Indian armed forces as soon as possible
5.Mackinzy (美国) :
China is playing same game that USA played with soviet union. China can afford this expenditure and India cannot. Western powers wants India to get into this race so that they can sell their arms and make money. India is a poor country with half of the population living under extreme poverty. I think India should focus more on poverty elimination than arms race. Otherwise her fate will not be very different from Soviet Union.
中国正处在与美苏争霸相同的军备竞赛中。中国能够负担得起这笔开支,但是印度不能。西方国家希望印度进入这场比赛,这样他们可以出售他们的武器来赚钱。印度是一个贫穷的国家,有一半的人口生活在极端贫困线以下。我认为印度应该更加专注于消除贫困,而不是把钱拿来搞军备竞赛。否则她的命运将不会和苏联有任何区别。 (印度):
If China says $100b; be sure it is $150b. And we linger at around $40b. These Chinese just want to desperately wage a war as soon as possible. They will hit us before we can acquire Rafale, AMCA, definitely FGFA, ASAT, AD-1/2 - all of which will be are due in another 2-3 years.
7.Honestjohn (克什米尔)回复6楼:
China need not destroy India. That would be like taking candy from a child. India will destroy herself judging from the comments on toi.
The difference is..china spends money to BUILD arms...and India spends money to BUY arms...thats the big difference...indeed
9.Brown_American (美国) :
With USA, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea posing a existential threat to China's Integrity, I am surprised that China is only spending $100 Billion. China faces aggressive postures from India every day.
10.Naveed (美国)回复9楼:
Well known Pakistani dog here...with a begging bowl wagging tail in front of Indian masters....hahahahahahahha!
11.mohammed the paedophile(麦加)回复9楼:
Listen Macaca. You should be sent to Gitmo, the new mecca for today's muslims
12.harith (印度)回复9楼:
paki:the bottom line is that,no matter how much money is spent, the rougue chinese military dictatroship and your rougue army will collapse like paper towers down the line; just, it is a matter of time. thats it. all this money is only to safegaurd the crucade military dictatorship. Not for chinese people's security;by the by, what are you doing in USA and who allowed you to saty there? are you an illegal?
13.Darkwing (地球):
Weapon of war are a waste of money unless you are mobilizing for war. Chinahas to be dealt with now before Chinese become the official language of the world.
14. bala srinivasan (美国)回复14楼:
Your last sentence exposes your weakness in your calculating&understanding the
differance between Trillion&billion.I hope you know T is bigger than B.
15.Harish Chandok (以色列):
Chinas GDP, Territory,populations,R&D,Space Infrastructure and resources are all greater than India. But then Japan a tiny bunch of islands was the second largest economy for 4 long decades. Lets learn something. India wont shine till each and every Indian works hard. India will not shine till current state of politics is changed. Our Democracy has become our weakness. The NCTC did not pass because of divisive politics. TADA was scrapped due to opposite politicians. Whenever someone proposes anything good in this country - evil politicians veto it immediately in the parliament because it doesnt favor their pockets andpotentially harms their chances of re election. India cannot grow as long as we have strikes and goons in the name of social activists causing ruckus. What would happen of people like Hazare and Udaya Kumar in China ? They wont even be heard
of. Indians like to talk more and work less - its cool to pretend about our English
knowledge and boast facts and forward stupid mails about Indian achievements . But what are we doing to make our country grow ? China is an Olympic super Power - we only know hot to play Cricket. Despite, India having more original ideas than China - China is still ahead in R & D. Despite us having a sense of nationalism - we still buy cheap
Chinese products. 1/6th or more of Chinas GDP comes from India. China wont wage war against India in a million years. It needs Indian people to "work" for their GDP. While we keep blaming Sonia Gandhi and Italian Connection. We are slowly starting to work under the Chinese economically.
China's economy was US$7.5 trillion, but China-India trade is less than US$70 billion.
How could you draw the conclusion that 1/6th or more of Chinas GDP comes from India? India is even not in China's top 10 trader partners.
India should export "flied Lice " to China
That can easily be done after she has exported all the useless, prideless Patels fron India
19.C.Jeyabalan (海岸线):
China is the most dangerous country in the world. Neighbouring countries,especially India must take note of this. India must use their brain power to overcome the Chinese money power in the short term as well as long term. India must invest in space. China has missiles for attacking vital satellites whenever they want. China never bothers about any other country except herself. Already China has surrounded India, including their huge presence In Srilanka. India's anti-LTTE policy blinds their vision. China will have a base soon in Srilanka if India continues to sleep as they are doing now. USA cannot under estimate China any longer. China's economy is fast growing; China has already installed sleeper cells within the USA who vigorously spying for China; some of them have taken US citizenship; few of them have penetrated into core Government inner
circle, and advanced research / exploration centers. Africa has virtually become China's backyard. Within a decade Africans' wealth will looted and transported to China. China is holding the largest quantities of precious metals and stones. Africa is feeding them for their unending 'thirst' for valuable metals, gems and stone. Within two decade, the entire Africa will be Chinese colony. I am not joking; it is a fact I am foreseeing.
South America is now in Chinese radar. They have started throwing products either at cheap rate or free. Once the South Americans start enjoying the 'taste' of cheap/free stuff, their manufacturing facilities are going to die; then Chinese will dominate the South America as they do now in Africa. Australia seems to be immune. Let's see how long that will survive. Japan will become part of China within 50 years. They are going to face their humiliation at the hands of Chinese when the older Japanese population dies out. The newer generation is not as committed to their country as the World War II generation, which rebuilt Japan from Ashes. China is waiting to take a revenge on Japan for the Japanese atrocities in China during World War II. However, these calamities can
be averted if India, America, and Europe align together with a common goal. Russia must be respected; they aren't dangerous any time. She was countering the US until the collapse of USSR. US are great; but US is unable to measure the abnormal growth and ferocity of China.