Chain of Fools-Aretha Franklin
如果你对外国灵魂歌曲中意,那么你没理由不听Aretha Franklin的歌。
2010年滚石评论过去一百年最伟大的歌手,Aretha Franklin为第一,Ray Charles为第二,中国人比较熟悉的猫王第三,The Beatles主唱John Winston Lennon第5,很遗憾MJ只排到了25……更遗憾的是颇受大众喜爱的Karen Carpenter只排到94,所以这个排名饱受诟病。但无论如何,前5都是比较受群众肯定的。(虽然有些人不喜欢猫王,但我还是挺喜欢的)
中国人一般都比较熟悉Aretha的I say a little prayer
我推荐的是这首Chain of Fools,开头那段那种蕴含在心底的飘逸,灵动,当她唱出Chain Chain Chain时,真的是让人浑身都燃烧起来了!
Artist: Aretha Franklin
Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
Five long years I thought you were my man
But I found out I\'m just a link in your chain
You got me where you want me
I ain\'t nothing but your fool
You treated me mean oh you treated me cruel
Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
Every chain has got a weak link
I might be weak child, but I\'ll give you strength
You told me to leave you alone
My father said come on home
My doctor said take it easy
Whole bunch of lovin is much too strong
I\'m added to your chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain, chain,
Chain, chain of fools
One of these mornings the chain is gonna break
But up until then, yeah, I\'m gonna take all I can take
Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
本帖最后由 虚伪的迷糊 于 2011-6-19 14:15 编辑 ]