
[原创] Economic Crisis, Chinese People's fault?


Economic Crisis, Chinese People's fault?

我最后一篇response paper就是下面的拙作。我们的老师是哈佛的一个女士。顺便一说,美国受过高等级教育的人,对中国人,有真正正确的理解。

Economic Crisis, Chinese People's fault?

    In most western people's eyes, China is a secret country. On one hand, It has more than 5,000 years history and awesome KongFu. It has delicious food and amazing old buildings. If an American travels in China, he/ she will be unbelievably warmly welcomed. On another hand, like North Korea, it is now under Communists' control. This is an evil country: they kill baby girls by the name of birth control; they kill young students by tanks (June 4th, 1989); they kill follower of religion (such as FaLun Gong); they pollute the air and water. One day, if war happens between China and US, the crazy Chinese communists will come to US secretly by small boats and kill with Kalashnikovs, at the same time, wave red flags.

    If all things mentioned above is none of Americans' business or just hypothesis, The following things are terrible. The bad thing is, now they have exported cheap clothes and toys, kicked "Made in USA" out of market step by step and caused job loss. The bad thing is, the Chinese government controlled the rate between Chinese Yuan and US dollar that caused the US' economical crisis. The worst thing is, just as Chinese people prefer to buy lots of LVs or Chanels, now they start to buy American companies and all American employees will be replaced by cheap Chinese employees. By the way, Chinese people buy anything. August 2nd, Chinese car manufacturer, Geely, bought Volvo from Ford with 1.8 billion dollars (1.6 billion cash and 0.2 billion note) . It seems that the US starts to lost the advantages to China.

    The Chinese dragon was not this horrible before. China was once America's ally in 1930s and 40s during the World War II. Chinese Army pinned down most Japanese troops that decreased the death of US Army. Inside the US, Chinese people used to be illegal immigrants and offspring of labors who built railways on west coast in the early 20th century. Most of them do not get good education and take jobs in restaurant. They choose to live in some specific communities so although they are noisy and have some "strange" customs, they will not bother other white Americans. Most of them are cowardly, they don't dare to be drug dealers. So at least, they are not harmful to the whole society and actually they serve delicious Chinese food.

    However, in the recent 30 years, things changed a lot. Chinese people started to be well educated and can write and speak English. The worst thing is, they cheat a lot. They copy American patents and software. After this, they sell these cheap products back to America just as what I have mentioned in the first part.

    Here, I have a interesting case to show how general Americans think of Chinese people. In my favorite TV series Boston Legal, the famous law firm "Crane, Pool, Schmidt" was finally bought by a group of greedy, ugly Chinese businessmen. Before the last episode, the whole series showed almost nothing related with Chinese people excluding an abortion case. It is very farfetched to have an end like this. However, the writer wrote it to meet people's frustration caused by job loss. Although the firm is fictional, this case represents the general Americans feeling on Chinese people.

    Cheap products from China, good or bad? Why "Made in China" is so cheap? Can Chinese businessmen control the price? After several months life in America, I find that all industrial products are much cheaper than those in China even almost all of them are made in China. Ironically, even the exactly same dumplings are much cheaper than those in China. If you are an owner of a Chinese company, do you want to export your products to the US? Why some companies still export products to the US? Some of these companies are invested by Americans; others will have allowance by Chinese government.

    Except LV and Gucci, Chinese tourists prefer to buy the latest Iphones in America. Why? They are much cheaper in the US. Actually, these exquisite toys should be much more expensive. However, Apple still gets billions every year. Where do these profits come from? Apple and other US companies pay less to the OEM companies, such as the Foxconn. Foxconn technology, the Chinese company who makes Imac, Iphone, Ipod, Ipad, IpXd for the US market is definitely a sweatshop. Several years ago, Foxconn is infamous because of its low salary. "Conversation on the production line is forbidden, bathroom breaks are kept to 10 minutes every two hours, and workers get yelled at frequently. " This year, tragedy comes to a peak. "So far this year, 10 Foxconn workers have committed suicide." Ironically, Americans criticized Chinese human rights with Foxconn's case. I guess, some of these criticisms are done by Macs and Iphones. Don't you think it is ridiculous? I cannot stand that my compatriots died because Americans' beautiful toys, but I cannot stand it more that Chinese human rights are blamed because of this ridiculous logic. Why these "Chinese" company owners are so greedy? Are these "Chinese" company owners really stand for Chinese people's benefits? Who are more greedy? Do you know what is the reaction from Apple? "Apple, Dell, and Hewlett-Packard have all announced intentions to look into Foxconn's working conditions. 'We're all over this,' Apple's Steve Jobs said at a tech conference on June 1. He called the suicides at Foxconn 'very troubling.'"  NO further action, NOTHING MORE. This tells us what is the definition of capitalist. Capitalists do not have nationalities, the only difference is that Chinese capitalists are hyenas and American capitalists are wolves. What is the fault of the Chinese government in this case and lots of other similar cases? The Chinese government is always eager to let foreigners to invest in China and lets so many foreign companies get profits by this way. What is the direct way to save these pitiful workers? Throw your Imacs, Iphones, Ipods, Ipads, IpXds away and say goodbye to all of them. Moreover, all products from Apple are stupid, as we can see from their names.

    The US government is always asking the Chinese government to decrease the rate between Chinese Yuan and US dollar to protect the domestic market. Last year, the US government blamed the Chinese government for manipulating the rate. When hearing things like this, I always have nothing to commit. China exports 2 billion shirts in order to buy a Boeing 737. While Chinese workers work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week; American workers are holding demonstrations to fight against "Made in China". Chinese people have no time to comment on people in other countries, what they concern about is when they can have not so small apartments and how to pay their sons/ daughters tuition. Here, I absolutely do not say that Americans are not good. Actually, most Americans are much kinder than Chinese people. I only talk about work. There is no absolutely fair, but do not make it go too far.

    Why don't we have a win-win solution? Can a win-lost last long? Why there are so many terrorist attacks? To be honest, from 2005 to maybe 2015, the world biggest economical war is the war between the US and China. Just like in the 1990s the US beat Japan, the US will beat China as well. In economical field, China is still naive and does not have enough experience. The US government, is much too clever. Too eager to get any possible profits and hurt all others, not only traditional friends such as European countries, but also components such as Asian countries.

    More worse, the US government losts its control to the financers in Wall street. These tycoons controlled the whole world, from cereal's price to oil price. They are conscienceless. These tycoons can easily destroy any small countries' economy in a few weeks (1998, Vietnam). In the recent world-wide economic crisis, they did not even show any mercy to their motherland, the United States. How can these tycoons provide loans to people who definitely cannot pay the money back? However, in capitalistic world, money works. These tycoons support the presidential election, they can indirectly launch any war, they control the media. One word, they have the whole world.
    One day, general public will be their own master. On that day, no one will have any bias on others. It will be a peaceful world.
  • ssTory 金币 +75 精彩文章 希望再见兄弟大作 2010-8-27 11:09
  • ssTory 原创 +1 精彩文章 希望再见兄弟大作 2010-8-27 11:09
  • ssTory +1 精彩文章 希望再见兄弟大作 2010-8-27 11:09




Why don't we have a win-win solution? Can a win-lost last long? Why there are so many terrorist attacks?





不止一个人跟我说过,在外面最大的感受就是,普通民众心灵上的单纯,让国人吃惊。他们的单纯反应在:极度的善良,或者极度的邪恶。却很少有中间地带。所以后来看到一位博学的人说,其实全世界最“坏”的人是中国人,两面三刀笑里藏刀阳奉阴违心口不一 。 。 。也听说国外的精英教育造就了一大批学会“中国传统政治哲学”的所谓政治家,所以有人开玩笑,论情商,一个很普通的中国人去了国外,都能胜任他们的政府高官,权谋之术远超过那些长青藤学校出来的精英。


其实看看国内的舆论导向,两党大选作为政治新闻不能不报,但是普通老百姓跟喜欢看到的事情无非迈阿密发生警匪枪战,旧金山几百辆汽车连环追尾 。 。 。因为这样的“新闻”更好看。有多少人会去关心美国普通民众想什么做什么,没人关心。自己的柴米油盐还没买齐,他们想什么做什么自然不关我的事。反过来说,美国人也一样。


  • easy100 金币 +12 鼓励 2010-8-20 23:19


楼主 后面那段英文其实是你写的对吗,看用语就知道是“中国式” 的英文,不过基本意思表达清楚了。
首先美国作为超级大国,是唯一一个有能力而且愿意维护世界秩序的国家,他到处打仗,到处驻军,确实是为了争夺能源,但不仅仅是单纯掠夺资源这么简单。美国占领了伊拉克,在曾经独裁统治下的国度建立起了民主;美国驻军日韩,把战后一个百废待兴的战败国日本,一手扶植成了世界经济强国,还让日本的汽车抢走了本国汽车业的半壁江山。美国花了自己士兵的血和每月数十亿的军费打下的石油国家伊拉克, 却把很大一部分开采权卖给了中国公司,为什么呢?美国确实 像天朝愤青们所说的,管得宽,惹是非。近的海地发生地震,美国第一个派出军队救灾;远的非洲卢旺达发生内乱,美国第一时间调集空降兵去维护秩序,又为什么呢?真是单纯为了资源或战略控制,去非洲那么偏僻的小镇做什么? 俄罗斯经济惨淡,没资金开发航天,美国独自撑起了开拓太空造福全人类的责任。 如果没有美国在欧洲,亚洲,非洲各地的驻军,没有美国全力遏制核武在中小国家扩散,没有美国东打打,西炸炸,这世界是真会太平还是混乱? 全球的秩序,是需要有人负责,是需要有人去平衡的。
       可能有人要喷我 崇洋媚外,不过我是在国内生活了20年,体会也很深。就拿最贴近的 教育来说。美国可以拿本国纳税人的钱出来资助来自世界各地的 优秀学生————只要成绩优秀,就有奖学金,无论国籍,无论身份高低。美国的每所大学都有奖学金和助学program,即使是那些没有绿卡,甚至没有正式签证的外国学生,只要成绩优异,就能得到奖学金,包括生活补助来鼓励完成学业,即使那些学生学成之后会离开美国。即使近年来的经济危机,10%的失业率的压力下,美国政府仍然没有丝毫改变这些针对全球学子的福利政策。这让我想起在天朝的数十年求学经历,不被学校敲竹杠收 “择校费” 就烧香拜佛了! “天朝”,一个本来应该是引以自豪的词语,在网络上却被用来代替一个被 屏蔽 的词,这是讽刺还是悲哀?

[ 本帖最后由 malady11 于 2010-8-20 15:56 编辑 ]
  • easy100 金币 +12 鼓励 2010-8-20 23:19







[ 本帖最后由 jx4177 于 2010-8-20 18:28 编辑 ]
  • easy100 金币 +3 鼓励 2010-8-20 23:20


  • easy100 金币 +2 鼓励 2010-8-21 22:56


我的老天,老兄你在说什么?你说这篇英文文章是你写的response paper?而且还是“拙作”?!你能不能再好好看看?这和你的中文内容意思完全相反!

好吧,显而易见,你是说错了话,你的Response paper 应该是针对这篇文章而写的,就不再揪着那句话了。但是我想说,即使如此,你明显对美国了解还不够深。

















[ 本帖最后由 runot2far 于 2010-8-24 10:58 编辑 ]
  • easy100 金币 +24 鼓励 2010-8-21 22:59
  • easy100 +1 鼓励 2010-8-21 22:59


原帖由 jx4177 于 2010-8-20 18:18 发表

  • easy100 金币 +2 鼓励 2010-8-21 23:00


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