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标题: Linkin Park(林肯公园)-《Leave Out All The Rest》08年《天下足球》片尾曲 [打印本页]

作者: 单纯的色狼    时间: 2009-9-17 22:10     标题: Linkin Park(林肯公园)-《Leave Out All The Rest》08年《天下足球》片尾曲


I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
'Cause no one else cares
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the one that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shed when I'm near
I'm strong to surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the one that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else can come and save me
From myself
I can't be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the one that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else can come and save me
From myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are


作者: mangoyo    时间: 2009-9-17 22:24

新专集早已经没有了以前的气势 现在的LIVE都是以前的歌就足已说明
有几张还是满经典的  建议你听下08LIVE 改变的几首都满不错
作者: 单纯的色狼    时间: 2009-9-17 22:26

作者: chiguangliu    时间: 2009-9-18 04:19

不过比气Ni the end的话,就显得不是那么震撼了哦。
Linkin Park怎能不支持呢,红心献上!
作者: bao717    时间: 2009-9-18 20:14

作者: 2816gzhh    时间: 2009-9-18 23:15

作者: bbqchicken    时间: 2009-9-19 09:02

现在听LP的歌都要自己一个人偷偷的听 就怕人知道了说俺俗 哈哈
作者: kyoko521    时间: 2009-9-19 09:41

作者: ziyouren520    时间: 2009-9-19 15:10

作者: 雷遁千鸟    时间: 2009-9-19 23:05

伪摇滚LP 相当让我厌恶的乐队 上不了台面
作者: tcaly23    时间: 2009-9-19 23:54

作者: eagles775    时间: 2009-9-20 12:34

这歌听着不错 第1次听不过感觉很好 先收下了
作者: jsjsyyan    时间: 2009-9-20 19:36

作者: hilldudu    时间: 2009-9-20 20:36

他们的歌我就喜欢他们开始红的in the end,其他的越听越没什么味道。
作者: lty1412    时间: 2009-9-21 00:19

作者: 求求你表扬我    时间: 2009-9-21 08:02

linkin 的歌怎么会不支持呢,他的歌我最喜欢了,听着很有震撼感。
作者: linkinchao    时间: 2009-9-22 06:55

作者: 2125604    时间: 2009-9-22 09:44


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