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标题: MC靖,华人的骄傲 [打印本页]

作者: mcq0213    时间: 2009-4-28 18:49     标题: MC靖,华人的骄傲


在BET电视网(Black Entertainment TV黑人娱乐电视网,在嘻哈领域拥有深远影响力)每周五播出的“Freestyle Friday”饶舌对战节目中,JIN凭借诙谐辛辣的讽刺让连续六周卫冕冠军Hassan在唱了几句之后,竟拿着麦克风哑口无言,输了个一败涂地。之后六个星期的节目里,五名黑人挑战者和一名白人歌手先后被JIN毫不留情地斩落马下,成了他进入“Freestyle Friday”名人堂的祭品。

We may look different 我们或许看起来不一样
But we see the same sky 但我们仰望的是同一片天空
We may see different 我们或许理解的不一样
But we cry the same cry 但我们发出的是同一片哭声
To wake up daily and sleep better nights 能每天从早晨中醒来再晚上睡个好觉
That's what we all wish for to seek a better life, right? 这都是我们所向往的美好生活,对吧?
It's unfortunate when tragedy strikes 当悲剧降临时总是不幸的
But the truth is, reality bites 但事实却竟是如此的残忍
June 4th, '89, a day residents feared 一九XX年X月X日,市民们惶恐的一天
Now known as The Massacre at Tiananmen Square 现在已知为XXX事件
The day I turned seven, they were mourning and grieving 那天我才刚好七岁,他们却在悲恸地呻吟着
Thousands of innocent died for what they believed in 千余条无辜的性命皆死于他们所坚信的
Armed with nothing but heart and a point to prove 手无寸铁仅有热忱的心及论点去求证
Stood in front of tanks and refused to move 伫立在TANKS面前并拒绝离去
What would you do? Run or stand still? 是你会怎么做?逃跑还是依然挺立?
When the life's on the line to test the mans will 当生死悬在一线间考验着人们的意志力
Seeking change and they found it, but in death 寻求改变而结果,却是在死亡中发现
Strangers, yet they were my blood and flesh 素昧平生,可他们确实与我骨肉相连
This happened in China but you ain't gotta be Asian 这事件发生在中国,但你是不会作这样的亚洲人
To relate to the struggle, pain, and heartache 去牵扯到这些挣扎,痛苦及心碎
So... 所以。。。
You'll never know, you'll never get it 你永远都不懂,你永远都不会明白的
There is no choice, we can't forget it 那是没得选择,可我们不能忘记。
When we look up, we see the same sky 当我们抬头仰望,我们看到的是同一片天空
When we look up, we cry the very same cry 当我们抬头仰望,我们发出的是同一片哭声

[ 本帖最后由 mcq0213 于 2009-4-28 18:55 编辑 ]
作者: francisjuve    时间: 2009-4-28 18:56

欧阳靖确实是个人才 王力宏都很欣赏他
作者: zhaolong_1988    时间: 2009-4-28 19:32

作者: 可以很猛    时间: 2009-4-28 19:45


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